Blog Description

Be JOYFUL always, PRAY without ceasing, give THANKS in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thess 5:16-18

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun Fall!

It doesn't look like I am getting much better at the blogging thing. I apologize if this is a long one. There are lots of pictures and I am going to try to catch up. I am attempting to create me a weekly schedule for my "chores" each week to make sure that they all get done. I am going to put blogging on the list, so that hopefully I can make one post a week... we will see if that works. This is just one of those things that has changed since becoming a momma of 2! That's a blog I have been thinking up that maybe I will write one day.

One of the things I love about living in Louisville is that we actually have seasons here. Fall is quickly becoming one of my favorites! The leaves have been changing since early October and right now they are absolutely gorgeous. A couple of weeks ago, Michael surprised us by planning a little family trip to Brown County, IN. They are known for their state park, great hiking, and beautiful fall leaves. It was the kids first hike, and I have to say I was pretty impressed. It was a work out for Michael and I, but totally worth it. We had such a great day hiking and walking around the little town!

At the top of a look out tower about half way through the hike
One of the things I love about our new house is that we have lots of trees in our yard. Our neighborhood also is filled with trees with leaves with all kinds of fall colors. We try to get outside as much as possible while the weather is nice. Madeline loves playing with all of the leaves and pumpkins, and Rivers just loves being outside. Here are some pics of the fall beauty around our yard and Madeline having fun with it.

pretty mums on our front porch

Beautiful Trees!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

View from our family room window

Maddie enjoying the fall weather!

It is hard to believe that Rivers is four months old! He is growing so fast. He loves watching everyone and everything around him, especially Madeline. We have a good friend that let us borrow a bumbo seat. It allows him to sit up until he can do it by himself, and he loves it. He can grin from ear to ear and it just melts your heart. He has found his hands and spends lots of time looking at them, chewing on them, and then looking at them again. He rolls from tummy to back, and when he is really mad he can almost roll from back to tummy. We had his 4 month check up last week. He weighed 12lbs. 5 oz, and was 23 inches tall. I thought he was going to be a much bigger baby than Maddie, but that just puts him in the 3 % for height and 10% for weight. Looks like we are just going to have small babies!

That sweet smile

Enjoying the bumbo seat!
Doing some tummy time.
Madeline has completely transitioned from baby to toddler. She has a growing vocabulary, and is learning a couple of new words a day it seems like. She understands so much more than she can even say. She can pick out any animal, follow lots of directions, and is such a big help with Rivers. She is such a joy! She is learning expressions and loves doing her "suprise" face. She also loves to explore and do new things. Pretending to cook with her dishes and playing with her doll house are probably her favorite activities. She tests us often, and we have come into the age of discipline. She is growing in obedience too! She used to pout and throw a fit when she was disciplined or didn't get her way. Most of the time now she is quick to change her attitude and give a big hug after she getting disciplined. Not that we ever doubted that the Bible is true, but it is really neat to see Madeline growing and learning to be obedient. We pray that through learning to obey and trust us she will ultimately learn to obey God and trust him.

Her contemplative side.................. and her silly side (this is the suprise face!)

Reading to brother
Again, sorry this is so long. Hopefully I will get better at updating the blog so its not such a marathon!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Pics from the Past Month!

Well I have been terrible at blogging lately! Things have been crazy busy moving into the house and getting settled! But here are some pics from the past month and a half. Enjoy! Try to post an update and pics of the new house later.

Two months!

First Happy Meal!

First hair cut - 2 1/2 months

First Kentucky game... they beat Uof L!

Go Cats!

Hanging out with Marmie!

Trying to get a good shot of these 2 together is impossible!

3 months already?