The greatest blessing was the healthy pregnancy and birth of Rivers in June, and the healthy development and growth of Madeline. What a joy they both bring to our family! I was a little worried about being a mom of two under two. Although it is extremely busy, the transition has been fairly easy and we are overjoyed that God has given us these two precious children! Also this past spring Mike stepped out in faith and started his own lawn care business. God provided in many ways for the expenses to start this business and it is growing successfully!
In the spring we started feeling God calling us to move from our much loved church at Clifton Baptist to a new church in the Southend of Louisville. It is a church that was small and the majority of the members were over 70. They called a professor from SBTS, Jim Hamilton (yes, just like dad), to be their pastor in April and we started attending right after that. We became members in June and God has given us ample opportunities to serve since then! I have to be honest and say that despite my hesitancy at first, moving to Kenwood is one of the best decisions that Michael has made for our family! We completely love serving and being part of the fellowship there.
After we started attending Kenwood, we figured if we really wanted to jump in serving and ministering to Southend Louisville, what better way to do that than to live there. So three weeks before Rivers was born we put our house up for sale. Within a week we had an offer on the house, and a couple of weeks later God had provided a house for us close to Kenwood! In this crazy economy we can only credit all of this to the Lord's faithful provision for us.
We can only anticipate what God has in store for us in 2010!!!!!!!!!
To leave you, here are some of my favorite pictures of this past week:
I have been teaching Madeline to "help mommy" lately. Its just simple things like helping me pick up her toys and helping me by entertaining Rivers when I need to get lunch ready. This past week she was playing with Rivers (telling him what animals they were playing with) and I look up and this is what I see...
What a SWEET big sister... and Rivers just adores her! Its such a blessing to be a mommy to these two!
Our sweet smiley baby boy... doesn't he just brighten up your day!