Sweet boy, you have made adding another child to our family as easy as it could possibly be! You are the most laid back, most content, happiest baby. I'm not sure to attribute this to your being a 4th child, your personality, or a little bit of both. Even on an overnight camping trip you were happy to just be with our family and watch the world around you.
This month you have definitely become a smiley guy. Just in saying your name you and engaging you, you willingly give this huge smile... and you smile as much with your eyes as your mouth. You bring so much joy to others with this huge smile. One of my favorite things about Sunday mornings is all of the older ladies at church coming up to see you and you just lighting up, in return making them feel so special.
This guy loves some brother time, and I pray you two will be life long buds! You're looking more and more like him.
I think you've been to the zoo more times than any other 3 month old probably because it's one of your sister and brothers favorite places to be. This trip we went with lots of cousins.
You have found your hands, and they are often in your mouth. Somehow you can manage to get your whole fist in there.
Again, that smile! You melt my heart! You've also started babbling a ton and I love having little baby conversations with you!
How have 3 months flown by so quickly?